Our Values

Powderham Live! has four main values and principles, which ensure we are establishing a unique, strong, steady, collaborative community for our musicians and family of music that will hold each other up.


It is important to focus on connecting with ourselves, our voices and our instruments. Our passion is to connect with one another in collaboration and with our partnerships in the further Devon community of music. We are building a supportive, collaborative community that's there in the "in-betweens", when you have finished something and when you are ready to start something new and have that moment of "what's next" you have that community around you.


In the world we find ourselves in today, mental health issues are heightened and so many teenagers are feeling the pressure. We want to help support them find ways to channel their energies into a healthy way of expressing themselves through their music. We support exploration and any kind of expression and we have lots of amazing professional workshop partners who offer our community many diverse classes, sharing their expertise with our artists.


We want to take where our artists ‘are’ and we want to empower them. They are just where they are supposed to be and their music is perfect where it is and we want to empower them to have the confidence to share their voice. Teenagers have very strong voices and we support them in sharing them as their voices have a way in healing and inspiring everyone around them. We give them the support to say yes, we want to hear what they have to say, we want to hear their music.


We focus on sharing and promoting our artists music, through social media, the music community and all platforms. Once they graduate as Alumni they don’t leave us as we will continue to champion them support them.